Hold On to Daddy's Hand
Season greetings! I’m sharing these words straight from the pages of my journal. With the exception of the poem at the end, this was written July 16 th of this year, but I believe all of it was meant for this blog at this time… I realized tonight that each time God speaks to me and confirms His words spoken in my life, I drift away. It’s crazy how that happens. It’s like a kid obediently walking into a large department store at Christmas time holding tightly to Daddy’s hand. He hesitates as he walks past all the shiny, glittering displays but he’s got Daddy’s hand still to bring him back into focus as they continue on their way through the store. They’re going to see Santa! It’s the thought of this promise that keeps the child holding Daddy’s hand. Daddy knows where the promise is, where Santa is. Finally, they turn a corner and Daddy whispers, “We’re almost there. Hold on to me so we can take our place in line to get the promise.” But as the child looks up, he can see S...