You Were Built For This

I want to share today with the one who, like me, can see the end and has faith to get there, yet are seeing little to no movement towards the end they see. I KNOW God has a plan for me. It is a good and awesome plan. I’d even say it’s a mind-blowing plan. I KNOW this. There is no doubt in my mind that He is going to do some great things for and through me. I KNOW this because I know the God I serve. He is faithful even when I am not. (2 Timothy 2:13) “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19 NKJV) He has spoken great things concerning me personally, and I believe.

My problem has been (but is no more) one similar to Abram and Sarai prior to the name change of Genesis 17. They believed God, but decided He needed some help and created Ishmael. I’ve been trying to help God and make things happen in my own strength when He has neither asked for nor needed my assistance. God’s command to me has been simply to seek His face. As I walk with Him in prayer and in the study (and living) of His word, He would do all the other things that I require and desire. (Matthew 6:33) For someone such as myself, with a strong personality and a need to “do something,” waiting on and trusting God can be difficult. It’s difficult, but by and through the Holy Spirit, it is possible.

I've shared all of this to share with you something God reminded me of this morning. I was built for this. Everything He has called me to and to do - even to wait - He equipped me to do it, successfully. I just have to cooperate with Him and obey Him. As God reminded me, I want to remind you - You were built for this.  Though originally written for women, the message of the poem below has truth for all. God created you on purpose for a purpose. Trust Him and be blessed as you go forth is His Name for His glory.


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