Hold On to Daddy's Hand

Season greetings! I’m sharing these words straight from the pages of my journal. With the exception of the poem at the end, this was written July 16th of this year, but I believe all of it was meant for this blog at this time…

I realized tonight that each time God speaks to me and confirms His words spoken in my life, I drift away.  It’s crazy how that happens. It’s like a kid obediently walking into a large department store at Christmas time holding tightly to Daddy’s hand. He hesitates as he walks past all the shiny, glittering displays but he’s got Daddy’s hand still to bring him back into focus as they continue on their way through the store. They’re going to see Santa! It’s the thought of this promise that keeps the child holding Daddy’s hand. Daddy knows where the promise is, where Santa is.
Finally, they turn a corner and Daddy whispers, “We’re almost there. Hold on to me so we can take our place in line to get the promise.” But as the child looks up, he can see Santa for himself. He forgets Daddy’s words and lets go of Daddy’s hand and eagerly runs to the front of the line; so close that he can almost touch the promise.
But it’s not to be. He didn’t obey his father. He let go of his hand and rushed ahead thinking he’d arrived. He didn’t realize there was a line, nor that each child must be accompanied by an adult, nor that anyone who breaks the rules could be asked to leave the store – without seeing Santa.
On the spiritual side, we forget that we can do nothing apart from God. (John 15) No matter how close we get to the promise, if we run ahead of Christ we’re going to be blocked or possibly even moved to the back of the line or, God forbid, escorted out of the building.
Because of this, I am eternally grateful for the grace of God. He knows that I’m no more than dirt and my flesh makes me prone to wander – not intentionally but wander still. All it takes is me taking my focus off the promisor and putting it on the promise. It’s all about focus and priorities.
God has promised me some very great and wonderful and very specific things, and I have no doubt He will make good His promise. But I put a condition on the promise. (Stress the “I” in that statement.) I told God in prayer that if what He was doing for and through me would draw me away from Him, hold back. I believe He’s doing the very thing I’ve asked, and I again thank Him for His grace.
          I believe God is preparing me so that I can stand to be blessed. Each time I run ahead of Him or turn my focus elsewhere, He waits patiently until I turn back to Him and then He again takes my hand and leads me on. As He’s leading me, He’s speaking to me, reminding me that I must abide in Him. I must trust Him with ALL my heart and acknowledge Him in all my ways. But mostly, He reminds me to seek Him first; then all other things shall be added unto me. (Matthew 6:33) So, Lord, here we go again…

Why is it so easy
to get distracted
to turn away
When all that’s truly in my heart
is to trust you
and to obey.
Earnestly I seek you
Well I seek you
though not always earnestly
Yet and still I want the blessings
even if I’m not all
that I should be
Still you as the Father love me
and you always know what’s best
and you continue to care for me
even after I’ve failed the test.
But each day I’m growing stronger
and maturing in my spirit man.
I’m learning no matter what happens
Hold on to Daddy’s hand.


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