Remembering Who I Am

Half way through my workout this morning my head began to throb mercilessly and I was certain I was going to be sick. I rushed to the bathroom and began to pray even as my mind wanted to worry. I hadn't had a migraine in a while and certainly not one that came this quickly or violently. All I could think was "God help." As the nausea subsided I tried to rejoin the workout but with the lights and the music I couldn't. I retreated outside thinking I'd call Aaron to come and get me only to realize I'd left my phone and my eye glasses inside. All I had was Jesus. And guess what, He was enough. After class ended, I retrieved my glasses and other belongings while trying to hold back the tears.

Finally I made it home. I wanted to call someone, but Jesus said, "I'm here." I tried to plan my next step while also trying to figure out what brought it all on. Jesus said, "Trust me." Once I finally got my emotions under control, I realized the pain was gone. As quickly as it came, it left. 

This morning I studied the virtuous woman whose value far exceeds rubies. In God's eyes, I am that woman. I am valuable to Him, therefore He takes great care of me - when I allow Him. 

When He said trust Him with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways, He meant it. When He said cast ALL your cares on me because I care for you, He meant it. When He said be anxious for nothing but pray about everything, He meant it. God is not a man that lies. When He says something He does it: when He makes a promise He fulfills it. We simply have to believe. 

I forgot briefly today who I am and whose I am. But I remember now and I trust God.


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