Putting It All Out There

I’m am here to put my faith out there for all to see. I will no longer hold back in fear on the things I believe and the God I believe. I’ve been doing that long enough and it is benefiting neither me nor anyone else.  I have determined my ultimate goal is to one day hear my Father say to me, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” I will not hear that if I continue to draw back in fear for He takes no pleasure in the one who draws back. (See Hebrews 10:38)

Many years ago (and I’m ashamed to say how many but it was a long time) a dear friend told me I was afraid of success. I thought he was stupid. How can anyone in their right mind be afraid of success – especially someone like me who thrived in the spotlight. But through the ensuing years, God has allowed me to learn a few things about myself. One was why I craved the spotlight (a hard lesson to learn and even harder to get over), and another was why I was afraid of success. Yes, my friend was correct. If there was any doubt, the last of it was removed today.

During worship service this morning the very words my friend spoke to me so many years ago was spoken again.  And though this time the words were said to a sanctuary full of people, I felt as if they were just for me. But this time, the preacher told me why I was afraid and how to get beyond that fear. Praise God! That’s not what I’m putting out there, however.  There is another message I want to share today.

Several years ago (I’ve been circling this mountain a long time, y’all – that’s translated “you all” for you city folk.) I did Beth Moore’s Bible Study “Believing God”. In it, I learned there is a difference in believing in God and actually believing God. Believing in God says I agree there is a divine being out there. I may even believe He is the one true God; creator and sustainer of all there is; redeemer and lover of my soul. But to believe God means when He says I am loved, I don’t doubt; when He says I’m more than a conqueror, I don’t argue and say I’m a failure; when He says no weapon formed against me shall prosper, I don’t say I can’t beat this sickness or heartache or financial setback or anything else that comes against me. I read His Word and I believe. Period. I don’t have to understand. I simply believe.

And that’s what I’m laying out there today. I BELIEVE GOD! He has spoken some incredible things over my life. I mean some seriously incredible things. Things that would be unbelievable had anyone besides Him said it. He has confirmed those things by several witnesses (seven at last count and only two or three were needed.) Those things line up with His written Word.

Now when He first spoke those things in my spirit, I just went, “Wow!”, recorded it in my journal, and then pretty much forgot about it. Later, He called it to my remembrance. At that point, I had strayed far from the path of righteousness but was back again. I assumed any promise made before I wandered was null and void. Later, after someone spoke to me the very words He’d spoken before my leave of absence, I learned His promises are without repentance. (Romans 11:29, Numbers 23:19)

Since the initial promise was spoken to me, God has confirmed it eight times by seven different people. I am ashamed it took so much but grateful that He persisted and pursued.  Today, I believe I finally, truly believe. God help mine unbelief! (Mark 9:24) Here is what is different and what I want to leave with you today.

The promise God made to me required nothing of me. For me and this particular word, there was no, “If you ___________, then I’ll ___________.” There was simply God saying to me, “I will ____________.” The responsibility lay fully with Him. Not only was it fully His responsibility to make it happen, but it was also (is) His responsibility to maintain it. The problem has been me getting in the way trying to figure out not only how I was going to do something I didn’t have to do, but how I was going to maintain something I was not responsible for maintaining! I hope you are getting this and I’m not talking in circles.

I’m writing this from my dining room. Above me is a chandelier providing light so that I can see. I think it’s a beautiful chandelier and it performs its function wonderfully.  But should it not perform wonderfully, I can’t get mad at the chandelier. There’s likely a malfunction elsewhere – a bulb blown or no power flowing to it. That would be neither the chandelier’s fault nor concern. It just hangs there and makes itself available to do what I want it to do when I need it.

I’m that chandelier hanging in God’s dining room. He designed me to be beautiful – I had nothing to do with my design. I say I’m beautiful because He said I’m made in His likeness and image and I believe He’s beautiful. Also, He says I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. But I digress. I did not have a say in my design, nor do I have a say in my function. I’m just to be available to let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through me so that the bulb of Jesus’s love can light up allowing others to see my good works and glorify my Father in Heaven!

When I fail to believe God, the power flickers. When I allow fear, the bulb doesn’t properly connect so that it can heat up and glow.  Our unbelief and our fear can limit the things a limitless God can and will do in our lives.  (Matthew 13:58) So tonight  I’m putting it all out there – I BELIEVE GOD!


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