Well, it appears I’m back from my self-imposed hiatus. I once loved to write; couldn’t help but write. Then I published a book . It was not at all what I thought it would be – though honestly, I don’t know what I thought it would be. I was just trying to be obedient to the call of God. Like Peter, I clearly heard Him say, “Come.” And I did. I came out of hiding and writing only for my enjoyment and the small group that would hear me do an occasional poem at church. But, again like Peter, I took my eyes off Jesus and began to sink. Unfortunately, unlike Peter, I didn’t immediately cry out, “Lord, save me.” I floundered around trying to save myself, growing weaker with each dip beneath the surface of the water, listening to folks standing safely on the shore screaming, “Girl, you can do this. You are good. You don’t need them telling you what to do. You got this.” I believed the hype. All the while, Jesus is standing by patiently waiting for me to cry out to Him and ask Him for help...