Casting My Cares - A Prayer

Precious Father, Abba, I come to you Dear Lord knowing that you hear me. Not because of any righteousness of my own or any goodness of mine. I know you hear me because you said when I called you, You would hear me, and You would answer me. Lord, I have so many cares, so many concerns. And as I sit and ponder what to do about them, I am reminded of something I saw just this morning that told me, “Worry implies that we don’t quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what’s happening in our lives.” I confess now Father, I’m guilty. I know that you are big enough. I know that you have all power. I even know that you love me. But even knowing this, I do wonder if you’ll do it for me. You can do it. But will you? More specifically, will you do it for me?  And it bothers me that I feel this way. It’s no fault of yours Dear Lord. You’ve gone above and beyond to demonstrate your love for me. I don’t know that you love me simply because the Bible tells me so, though that is a great place to start. You have shown me over and over that you love me personally.

How? Well, there was the incident when I was just an elementary school age girl, maybe six or seven. You came to me and gave me this crazy peace when I should have been terrified. I should have been overwhelmed. But as fast as the terror began, before it could fully register in my mind, you led me to pray. It’s the first time I met you for myself. I’d gone to church all my life but that night, you were not in church, you were in my heart – because you loved me.

When I became an adult, I made some foolish decisions. I suffered the consequences of those decisions. When I thought I could take the suffering no more, I sought a way out. Again, in your great love for me, you showed up and told me no. Most would think telling someone no when they only wanted to get out of a bad situation was not loving. But you see the end from the beginning and you knew the good you would bring out of this – if I just trusted you. So, I stayed in my self-made mess, but I surrendered that mess to you. And as my dear friend Debra often says, you took my mess and blessed. (BTW, bringing Debra into my life was another demonstration of your love. When I needed something, someone tangible to come along beside me, you sent her. And like you, she’s never left me. Thank you.)

Today Lord, I have a need. I have a desire. I believe I also have a promise. Give me the peace you gave me when I was but a child. Give me the confidence that you will work this thing, these things out, that you gave me as a young adult. Help me to not only feel your love (because feelings fade), help me to KNOW your love. Not just the knowledge of it, but the revelation of it. A deep abiding presence that will not, cannot be shaken. Help me to cast all my cares upon you because you care for me. To lift my voice to you and wait in expectation. Do for me, Lord what you have promised. I ask for no more. I expect no less.

I offer this prayer in the Name that is above every name; in Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen and amen. 


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