James 4:17

            Some years ago during my Bible reading/study, I came across James 4:17. It’s one of the few verses I can remember the address to. Maybe because something that hurts you stays with you, and this verse certainly hurt. This verse in the NIV Bible says, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” Even more convicting for me is the NLT rendering which reads, “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.”  Why is it no one preaches this verse or adds it to recommended memory verses?

            When we think of sin, we generally think of horrible things such as murder or rape or even theft. We think of breaking one of the “big 10.” And those things are sin. But so is telling a “white lie” or a half-truth. Going to work and not actually working is theft and therefore is sin. Calling out sick so that you can sleep in or shop online unhindered is a sin. Homosexuality is a sin. So is fornication and adultery. So is cheating on your taxes or not paying your taxes. There are so many things people do without much thought that is a sin. But according to James 4:17, there are also things we should do that we don’t, and that too is sin.

            I say this verse hurts me because I struggle with procrastination. Truthfully, it didn’t become a struggle until recently. Prior to that, I welcomed procrastination. I boasted that I was the queen of procrastination. But there’s something about earnestly seeking God that will take away the comfort you once found in sin. Be it a big sin or a little sin; a sin of commission or a sin of omission. The light of His Word, the glory of His presence, will shine a light on things you pushed in a corner and cause you to face it and handle it. And that’s what has been going on with me.
            God told me about a seven years ago that He had given me a tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to one who is weary. I would write and speak His word to His people to encourage and edify them. I would re-ignite a love for God within the body of Christ that is slowly growing cold. I rejoiced in that revelation. But when I finished rejoicing, I allowed my own love to grow cold. I stopped earnestly seeking. For that, I repent before God and before you – the intended benefactors of my calling. James 4:17 shall be a problem no more because I am determined I will do all God has called me to do – wholeheartedly and without hesitation or reservation.

(Side note here: I wrote this on November 30, 2018, after signing up for a “class” called “Procrastination to Purpose”.  So AGAIN, forgive me because it has taken me 2 weeks to share. Baby steps but steps forward nonetheless. Pray with me and for me. There’s much more to come.)


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