Is Your Foundation Deep?

You can’t build up until you’ve first dug down deep. In fact, I’ve been told the higher you want to build the deeper you must go. Otherwise, at the first sign of trouble, the first bit of instability, the whole structure will come crashing down. As it is within the world of engineering, so it is in the things of God.  We often say we want to go to higher heights in Christ, but no one wants to take the time to dig that deep foundation. Myself included. I KNOW there is a great call on my life. Honestly, I can’t even begin to fathom all that God plans to do through me or even for me. But this I have finally come to grips with – if I don’t go deep in Him; if my foundation, my roots are not deep; if I’m not firmly planted in Him and His Word, I will come crashing down at the first sign of trouble – with the first winds of distraction. Even the weight of success will cause me to crumble UNLESS I’m firmly rooted and planted in God.

When God called me out of my secure position as a civil servant, I was excited. I just knew I was going to sit at my computer and type out best selling books. I imagined a calendar full of speaking engagements. God was going to use me, and I was ready. NOT!  I left my job in April of 2012 full of expectation. Fortunately, I had enough sense to pray before launching out in the deep. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough sense to obey when God answered those prayers. I asked God what He would have me do and He said simply, “Seek me.” I thought to myself, “Well that’s automatic God because apart from you I can do nothing. What else am I supposed to do?” His response, “Seek me.” Hmmm, I must be tired or something. I’ll take a nap and come back when I can hear God more clearly.

I’ve been napping off an on for six years waiting for God to change a message He is not going to change – waiting for God to do things the way I think they should be done. He can give me success with just a word or an idea. He can connect me with the right people in the right place at the right time and completely blow my mind. So, I decided I’ll just keep believing for my miracle. God help me please – smh (shaking my head.) I can finally SEE it. He’s been so patient with me and has given me the same message so many times, but I wasn’t receiving it. He was speaking clearly and I was hearing but I wasn’t listening. Between the ears of my heart and my brain, the message was getting distorted. God said seek me and I heard, seek the next book title. God again said seek me and I heard seek a miracle. God said seek me and I heard if you just speak the Word you’ll receive the promise.  The promise is sure but my methods – not so much.

There’s so much in my heart now as revelation FINALLY pours in. But all I’m at liberty to share at this moment is before you seek greatness, make sure your foundation is deep and sure. Before you try to climb higher, make sure the roots are deep and the ground is stable (wow – that’s another message right there.) God can and will do so much through us and for us, but because He loves us like He does, He won’t until we are ready.

Father God, I thank you that as I sought to be and do all that you’ve placed in my heart to be and do, you in your great love for me said, “No. Not yet.” You know my heart, but you also know everything else about me. You know the end from the beginning and every step in between. Your wisdom is complete and so is your love. Thank you, Father, for your patience as I did all I could to bypass your plan to reach the end. I’m so full right now that tears are ready to flow faster than my fingers over this keyboard. But now is not a time for tears. I hear you, Lord. And I shall obey. In Jesus’s Name and for His glory, Amen.


  1. Dutchess, your word is so profound this day. Only you can know how his chastisement coupled with his love has birthed a renewal and a refreshing of his Spirit within you, but I know it's truly indescribable. Just yesterday, I told Pastor that I heard the spirit say, "ABIDE IN ME." and as I proceeded to go to study his word early yesterday morning, I opened my bible and what did it open to;
    JOHN 15th chapter. I had to share it with him in hopes that it would encourage him.
    Your post has certainly encouraged me. I say to you, YES, to go deeper in Christ, we must go deeper in his Word, Prayer, Pray in tongues, fasting, and meditation. Doing those things paves the way for God's demonstration of his power on earth to destroy yokes and set captives free.

    Check out this clip when you get a chance. Your post reminded me of this song and group.

    May you go forth and walk in the fullness of his love and power.

    1. Thank you, Brenda for your constant support and encouragement. And thank you for that clip! I'm gonna dig a little deeper!


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