Day 1 of 30 - Testimonies, Prayers, & Poetry

Testimonies, prayers, and poetry.
These three are my focus for May.
Listening closely to the voice of God.
Hearing to immediately obey.
Today is May first, and I must admit
I’m off to a very rocky start
I overslept then started playing games
Though writing was on my heart
I had set my alarm and written my plan
It was all laid out what to do
But I got in bed last night much too late
So my morning routine fell through
My alarm went off and I could smell the coffee
It was time to rise and pray
Instead I turned it off and said, “God understands.”
And fell asleep again right away.
A second alarm soon sounded
Yes, I set for myself three
But I again said I just can’t make it
And again I fell back asleep
Finally alarm three roused me
I got up; couldn’t let this one pass
Morning prayer was starting soon
I had motivation to get up at last
After praying with my online group
The day began to move super-fast
I had to reschedule and realign so much
I didn’t know if my resolve would last.
It didn’t.
Part two of my day has now begun.
I’d had a nap and then lunch with my spouse.
But I had to go to a doctor’s appointment
I wasn’t sure when I’d get back to my house
And of course, I had to check on the parents
Mommy won’t drink water on her own
And the utility bill more than doubled this month
I had to get them on the phone
Running here and running there
Busy but getting nothing done
I wanted to sit and just give up for the day
But the challenge had just begun
I committed to writing 30 minutes all of May
I couldn’t turn back on my word
Besides, God gave me a tongue of the learned
My voice, God’s voice, needs to be heard
So despite what my flesh wants to do
Which was make a sandwich and call it a day
I did what I needed to do for family
And asked God to make a way.
So here it is, 2130
And I’m just sitting down to write
When I know very well – and my body does too
It’s time for me to call it a night
It all comes down to priorities
What’s important to you, what’s top on your list
I’d given my time to God and family
Writing was my next event
So here we are, day 1 of 30
And I’m writing this mostly for me
Knowing that I must give up my will
Dying to self, I’ll finally be free.
Free to do my Father’s biding
Free to hear His voice when He speaks
Free to write words to encourage others
Free to be the best version of me
Help me Holy Spirit,
I’m getting in bed late again tonight
I pray You’ll wake me tomorrow
And that tomorrow I’ll get it right.


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