Day 4 of 30 - Testimonies, Prayers & Poetry

 More Than a Savior

More than just a Savior
He’s my Lord and my best friend
The Son of God and Mary’s baby
He’s the beginning and the end
He surrendered His life so that I might live
He was beaten so that I could be whole
He rose again and was seen by men
His story is repeatedly told

I once used Him to escape Hell’s fire
He was my savior and nothing else
But then I reached the end of me
And realized I couldn’t save myself
Finally, I was ready for more
Our relationship began to slowly progress
Still, I withheld so much from Him
But He wanted all of me and nothing less
I was still slow to make Him my Lord
To truly give to Him my all
But once again, I couldn’t do life alone
My Savior I had to call
True to His faithfulness
He heard and answered my cry
Finally, He’s much more than a Savior to me
I dare you to give Him a try.


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