Perfectly Loved

        Tonight, just about the time I should have begun preparing dinner, I looked at all of the unfinished things I’d planned to do around my house. My to do list is ever-growing and it’s daunting and more often than not I found myself wanting to quit instead of pressing on. But after having a conference with God, who always meets me in my kitchen, He did like my children do and followed me to the bathroom.

        He recognized before I did that the enemy was launching an attack. I’d just had beautiful fellowship with God and before I could process it all, the enemy was saying, “The day is over and what have you accomplished? You will never get it right. Look at this place. And what are you going to fix for dinner?” But as quickly as those thoughts came, Holy Spirit came and chased Him away, and then He ministered to my heart.

        “Give it to me, Dutchess,” He whispered. “It’s not your battle to fight. Give it to me.” And I did, kind of. Admittedly I started out by berating myself and fixating on the things that are wrong with me, I confessed, “Father God, I’m not perfect and…” And He cut me off.

        “No, Dutchess, you’re not perfect. But what are you?” I listened for a moment and then began to confess:


I’m perfectly loved

One hundred percent

Perfectly anointed

and perfectly sent

I’m perfect in Jesus

Through His amazing grace

Perfectly cleansed from sin

Perfectly equipped for my race

I’m perfect in power

through the gift of faith

Perfectly imperfect

As I behold Your face


As Holy Spirit continued to whisper to me and remind me who I am and whose I am and all that I am, I began to worship.

Then suddenly, sitting there in my bathroom, I remembered a song I used to sing when I was a young girl in my parent’s house. I had a lot of hidden issues back then, mostly loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. I know better now, but the feelings were real even if they did not fit my reality.

        The song, Give Me Something To Hold On To by Myrna Summers, asked: “Who can I turn to in time of need? Who can I call? Who will come and see about me? I need someone, someone to hear my plea. I need a friend someone who needs me…Please give me something, something to hold on to; comfort me.” I can still see skinny me sitting in the dark crying into the covers so no one would hear me, so no one would know.

        But Jesus knew. For as I cried, He was holding onto me; comforting me; calling to me; loving me. He was there with me in that dark bedroom just as He was with me in my kitchen and my bathroom; just as He is here now as my fingers fly over my keyboard. And He’s there with you as you’re reading this.

        As it states in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” I pray you hear Him and will open the door and fellowship with Him. He wants you to know how perfectly loved you are.


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