Do It Again

        It’s been a long time since I’ve sat at my computer with the purpose of writing and sharing on my blog. I figured it didn’t matter much how much or little I shared since there weren’t too many people reading it anyway. I don’t have a lot of followers, so no one will miss me or what I shared if I stopped. That might be true, but stopping was wrong.

        I started Sharing the Journey because God told me He had given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to he who is weary. (Isaiah 50:4) He commissioned me to be a tool in His hand to turn the hearts of His people back to Him. He told me to share with others what He shares with me in order to encourage and edify and help His children fall in love with Him again; to seek Him with all their hearts.

        So I say respectfully, but with strong conviction, I’m not writing for followers or popularity. I write for God. I write the words He gives me with faith that He will send those who need to hear/read them. I write to honor and glorify my Father. I write out of love and obedience to the one who loves me.

        Yes, I want everyone to read these words because I want everyone to know and love my God. Still, my ultimate purpose (and this is to myself) is not to have a large following, but to honor and obey God. Therefore, I shall occasionally encourage my readers to share the words I write, believing that if they blessed you, they will also bless someone else. Most of all, I want to do the will of the One who loves me and called me and gifted me to write.


The Father’s Plea

Sitting in my living room

watching the morning slowly fade,

I reflect on the goodness of God

and the life for me He gave.

I stop and I reminisce

on His mercy and His grace.

I pause to tell Him thank you

and to commit to Him my day.

He immediately responds to me

and tells me what to do.

He tells me to turn my laptop on

and write a note to you.

The Father says He loves you

and He waits with outstretched arms.

He continues to call and pursue you

while protecting you from harm.

So many things He has for you

so much He wants to say

Hear His voice in these words

and surrender to Him today.





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