An Awakening

My soul doth magnify the Lord!

My God, full of mercy and goodness and grace.

My spirit soars in His presence.

He gives me strength to run and finish my race.


I once said I was stuck on stupid,

I once said it, but I say it no more.

Jesus has shown me my path.

He’s opened wide the previously locked door.


He once made a promise to me,

A promise spoken in 1991.

And to this day I wait expectantly

For the fulfillment has finally begun.


My path seemed to wander meaninglessly

Meandering backward much more than forth,

But everything I went through is in God’s plan

It’s all pointed to Him and revealed my worth.


Some of you won’t understand

And that’s okay, really it’s fine

To those of you God has sent me to

Continue to watch in the passing of time.


God’s purpose and His plan will not be hindered

Neither will His servant to whom He’s given a word.

It’s time for the sleepy to rise up and work.

It’s time to make your voices heard.


Rise up, sleeping giant!

Speak the words of the learned.

Only seek to please your Master,

Their reception of you is not your concern.


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*Luke 1:46-47; Isaiah 22:22; Psalm 5:3; Jeremiah 29:11; Luke 10:3; Isaiah 32:9; Isaiah 50:4; 1 Thessalonians 2:4


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