Make It Like It Was
The other night, I got into bed much later than my normal time. As a result, I decided I would
turn off my 05:00 (5a.m.) alarm and sleep in. Truthfully, I rarely got up with
that alarm anymore. That’s the alarm labeled in my phone as “Coffee With
Christ.” But He wouldn’t let me shut it off. In fact, He reminded me of the
importance of that early morning time He and I spent alone together. He reminded me that for
me, this time was vital. Yes, I’m still faithful in reading my Bible and
praying and listening to teaching and preaching, and praising all through the
day. I’m very committed to the Christian disciplines. But, was I still
committed to an intimate relationship with my Savior?
Holy Spirit reminded me of all the benefits of that time alone in the presence
of my God, an old love ballad began playing in the back of my mind. It was
Regina Bell’s song from her 1989 album, “Stay With Me” called “Make It Like It
Was.” In the chorus, she sings: “Make it like it was; the way it used to be;
when I hungered for your love, constantly. Make it like it was; it was easier
for me; I know you’re able, to make it like it was.” As I listened to Holy
Spirit with the song playing in the background, I wondered who was singing –
Him or me.
was a time in my life when there was no doubt that Jesus truly was the most
important part of my life. He was first, before and above all else. I’ve heard it said that the one who is forgiven much
loves much and I loved so very much because so very much
had been forgiven. I recall nights in the dormitory as an Air Force Airman. I would put on The Mississippi Mass Choir and have a praise party half the night, just
me and Jesus. One night in particular, I was praying before studying for a big
test I was scheduled to have the next morning in a training program I was
in. That prayer turned into praise and before I knew it, it was two in the
morning and I hadn’t even looked at my notes.
told Jesus I was leaving it up to Him and I got in bed for a nap. The next
morning I got up thinking I’d look over my notes before running off to class
but that never happened. Anyway, I did take the
time to call my prayer partner and ask that she cover me as I took my test.
Initially, she was disappointed that I didn’t study, but when she learned my
reason she understood and said she and her husband would pray while I tested. The
experience in that testing room was unlike anything I’d ever experience before!
The full story of it is for another time. But I aced my test in record time. I
ran back to my dormitory to call my prayer warrior only to have her husband
tell me she was in prayer and couldn’t be disturbed. I told him, “She’s praying
for me! Tell her to get up! God did it!”
the joy I had! I shared that testimony with so many people once my feet finally
touched the ground again. I was just enjoying Jesus and the benefits of our
relationship. I don’t know if they still say this or not, but in my “BC” days
(before Christ), there was this thing called “friends with benefits.” Can I just tell you there is no benefit or hook-up like the benefit of walking in a close
relationship with Jesus? He is the original Friend with benefits. When Jesus says,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
shall be added to you.”, (Matthew 6:33) He meant it.
So now I have to stop and ask, why am I having trouble getting up at 05:00 to have Coffee with Christ? Why is it that what was once the highlight of my day now feels more like a chore? Why am I not
as excited to be with Christ as I once was? I don’t know. I don’t even know if
I want to know. I have learned the why of a situation is not as important as
obeying God when He gives you instruction concerning the situation.
has given me instruction. He’s called me to make it like it was. He said to me, “…you have left your first
love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first
works…” (Revelation 2:4-5) “When
[He] said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to [Him], ‘Your face Lord I
will seek.’” (Psalm 27:8) I further say, “O
God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh
longs for You in a dry and thirsty land…” (Psalm 63:1) Holy Spirit, my heart is
yours; make it like it was.
Praise God. Great reading, thanks for sharing. Min. Mable James