The Monday After Easter Sunday

Yesterday, people all across the world celebrated Easter. We celebrated the empty tomb that announced our crucified Savior, Jesus the Christ, was no longer dead. We celebrated Resurrection Sunday. We celebrated differently than we had in the past because of a pandemic but still, we took the time to acknowledge Jesus is risen.  That was yesterday. 
Today, many of us are awaking to severe storms and tornadoes. We are awaking to more news of lives lost to COVID_19. We are awaking to lost jobs, a shortage of tissue paper and hand sanitizer, and the stress of the unknown. Many of us are awaking to lost hope and fading faith. I mean, Monday is not the favorite day for most in “normal” a week. How much less do we like it today?
In the context of what I’ve just said, I’d like to ask a question. What changed? Were you taken by surprise at the loss of a job or God forbid a loved one? Were you appalled to learn that after more than a month, there is still a terrible virus ravishing the land and no one has a cure? Did you wake up today on what my Grandma used to call Easter Monday and find things are not getting better and are maybe even getting worse? I pray that’s not the case. But even if the answer to one or more of my questions is yes, I challenge you to let that take a back seat to what didn’t change.
Jesus didn’t return to His tomb. Jesus didn’t wake up this morning and discover He had lost His power and was no longer in control. He didn’t wake up and learn He’d been overthrown and no longer sat on the throne. Jesus didn’t arrive at Monday and decide to give up on you and the plans He has for you. Jesus didn’t change.
I know that death is a part of life and everything that lives will eventually go the way of all the earth and die. But Jesus is not of the earth. I recognize that even when Jesus performed miracles and brought back to life those who’d died, (Lazarus in John 11, Jairus’s daughter in Luke 8, and the son of a widow in Luke 7) they eventually died again. But Jesus is not like them. He lives!
If you were to go to the tomb today, you would not find His body. You could search and dig up all of Israel and you would not find Him. Your search for the body of Jesus would be futile because, even on a Monday in the midst of disappointment and horrific tragedy, He lives! And because He lives, we too live. (See Ephesians 2.)
I don’t have a long message today. I just have a simple reminder and a word of encouragement. Jesus lives and if you belong to Him, you live too. Jesus did not return to His tomb and I beg you not to return to yours. I personally have allowed disappointments and fear and even simple laziness to bring me down into a tomb of mediocrity and keep me from the life Jesus died to provide for me. I once did but no more. I remembered that when Jesus set me free, I was free indeed. The stone of wrong belief that was blocking God’s best for me has been rolled away. I will not return to the tomb.
On this Easter Monday, I ask that you remember Jesus lives. On this Monday after Resurrection Sunday, I ask that you not climb back into your tomb nor allowed anyone or anything to put you back in there. Life is difficult right now and there are many uncertainties. But what I know of a certainty, and what I want you to know and focus on, is Jesus rose and He raised you with Him. On this day, and every other day, remember Jesus lives and He’s called you to live too.
Be blessed!


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