Beginning Again

I am so excited to be sitting here at my computer with something to say! It’s been a long time, y’all. Too long in fact. But I feel nothing is worse than someone talking simply to hear their voice. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it! Or in this case, don’t type it.
With that said, I am grateful for the few followers I have had on my “Sharing the Journey” experience. Admittedly it hasn’t been much of a journey. I’d start and stop. Then start and stop again. In the end we haven’t gotten far. But you know the scripture that says, “Be still and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10)? Well that’s been me for longer than I care to admit.
After writing and publishing “From The Shepherd’s Heart” I was excited and ready to do great works for the Lord. When He freed me from my day job to focus completely on Him and the ministry He’d given me I was overjoyed. I was ready to do something great for the kingdom. Imagine my frustration when by way of instruction, Holy Spirit simply said, “Seek my face.”
I immediately began to memorize Psalm 27:8, “When You said, ‘Seek my face,’ My heart said to you, ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek.’” Then I wanted to know, what else? There was nothing else. I’m almost ashamed to admit that for nearly five years, I’ve been asking God, “What else?” There was and still is nothing else. Nonetheless, I was so focused on the “what else” I failed to fully commit to the seeking.
Hence, the starting and stopping of my journey. Anytime I entered whole-heartedly into the presence of God and sought Him with my all, He’d speak and give me something to say and I’d share. But when I entered His presence looking for content to write, I got nothing.
Right now, I’m focused on God. I’m sharing with you because that’s what He leads me to do when my focus is focused (Karate Kid knowledge). I ask that each of you pray that I stay humble and connected. God has great places to take us and when we’re “Sharing the Journey” the bumps are smoother and the way is straighter.
Be blessed!

Every now and then, Lord,
You give me words to say
But only when I seek your face
And commit myself to obey
You’ve given me a tongue of the learned
that I might speak to the weary soul
But that tongue is tied and only loosed
When I allow you to take control.
So right now, right this minute,
I surrender to your will.
I’ll not forget that you are God.
I need only to be still.

© Copyright 2017 by Dutchess Horton


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