It has been a long road to where I find myself today. It was dark and winding with many hills and valleys. It was muddy and unpaved and difficult to traverse. There wasn’t much to look at except dark shadows and reflections of myself in the numerous puddles. Light only showed through in small bursts. I was certain I was lost but had traveled too far to turn back. So instead I prayed and even that was difficult because my circumstances did not put one in a mind of prayer. And now I find myself in a wide open space, at a fork in the road. So I pause and reflect.

This journey has not been easy and I’m certain that the decisions I make at this new intersection will determine if I return to that dark place or continue in wide open places. Oh I pray I make the right choice. And if I should by chance make a wrong decision, God please turn me around before I go too far. But preferably, I’ll make the right choice the first time. I just have to pray and seek God’s face and trust Him to show me the way I’m to go.  After all, He said He’d direct my path1 and He is not a man that He should lie2, so I’ll sit a moment at this crossroad and wait to see which way He’ll have me to go.

I don’t usually do well with waiting. I don’t have any problem with sitting and resting (just ask my family) but when I know something has to be done, I want to do it. I feel a sense of urgency – usually. But not today.  Granted my sitting and waiting will in no way mean I’m doing nothing. I must commit myself to praying and to the Word of God. His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path3 so it is imperative that I study it and learn it and live it. And prayer is the key to it all. Think about it; how can you know which way the Father will have you take if you don’t communicate with Him?

I confess I’ve not really been sharing this journey with you – my family, friends, and followers. I didn’t want to bring anyone else into the dark places I tread. Perhaps that was a disservice to both you and me. To you because learning of the path I was on may have possibly helped you to avoid it. To me because having you along may have brought me out sooner. Either way, we’re both here now, Sharing the Journey, and I welcome your company. Let’s continue by saying a word of prayer:

Most holy and all wise God; Father we come to you with outstretched hands giving to you all that we have – our hurts our pains our disappointments; even our dreams and our desires. We ask that you take all that we are and give us your Spirit in exchange. Not just a touch of your Spirit, Father, but a deep abiding in-filling of the Spirit of Christ. We don’t ask for less of us and more of you; no we come saying none of us and all of you. We ask that we may say in all truth and sincerity the words of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Galatians 2:20 NIV, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Fill us up, Lord until you very Spirit seeps from our pores. Fill us, Father and use us for your glory. We surrender to you and trust you to make our paths straight.  In Jesus’ Name – amen.

Scripture References:


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