An Unquenchable Appetite for God’s Righteousness --- “What Are You Hungry For?”

This post was taken from my book "From The Shepherd's Heart - A Devotional" (available on, Amazon, and It's become an important part of my journey as my desire grows stronger for the presence of God and less for the presents of God. It keeps my passion for Christ flamed and I hope it flames up a passion in you as well. ~Dutchess

          In the 1980’s a gospel recording group called the Truthettes released a song about a little boy whose soul was blessed during church service. The young man, unable to fully express what it was he was feeling, came home from the worship service and told his mother, “I’m so hungry.”  The mother, not realizing just what her son was trying to convey, had him follow her into the kitchen so that she could make him a sandwich.  It was at this point in the song that the boy declared, “I don’t want no peanut butter and jelly.  I want my soul to be saved.”2  
          Sunday after Sunday the Word of God is preached in churches all across the world.  Unfortunately, Sunday after Sunday the people of God hear that Word and think no more about it until time for the next worship service.  They do not allow the Word to really get into their hearts and stir up a hunger for the righteousness of God.
          To hunger for God is to desire God, to seek after God.  It is to desire Him above all other things -- our daily bread, personal comfort, wealth and riches.  Matthew 6:33 tells us if we seek Him first, we’ll receive the other things we desire.  In fact, Psalm 37:4 tells us if we delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart.  He’ll satisfy our hunger if we hunger most for Him.
We know that to hunger for his righteousness is to be blessed. (See Matthew 5:6)  If we turn to Jeremiah 29:13 we will also see that if we seek after Him we will find Him if we seek Him with our whole heart.  We need to stop being so ambivalent about the things of God and develop a hunger for Him; a hunger that grows and becomes a full-blown craving for more and more of the living God.  Once you have it (and He’ll give it to you if you ask), He will turn and satisfy your mouth with good things.  (See Psalm 103:5)

Father God, we who have a hunger for you and your righteousness thank you and praise you, for we know we shall be satisfied.  For those who have yet to experience an unquenchable appetite for you, we ask that you stir up in them, in us, a desire that cannot be ignored nor satisfied by anything other than you.  Fill us all until our cup overflows and your righteousness pours forth from us and is a blessing to others. 


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