Ramblings of a Searcher
"Ramblings of a
Searcher" was first written and published December 2013 to my web site, http://dutchesshorton.com/ramblings.html and I believe it is a fitting introduction to my attempts at blogging. It tells you a little of who I am and what I feel God is leading me to do. Yes, I am God's Girl and I pray everything I write will in some way draw you to be His too.
It’s been such a long
time since I’ve sat at my computer and just let the Holy Spirit speak to me and
through me. But for days now He’s been calling out to me; reminding me who I am
and whose I am; reminding me that I have purpose inside of me; reminding me
that He has plans for me, but He will not force me.
It’s been a couple of
years now that the Lord gave me a scripture to summarize the ministry He’s
called me to. It comes from Isaiah 50:4 (KJV) “The Lord God hath given me the
tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him
that is weary…” The Lord God hath given me the tongue of an encourager and an
edifier. (There is a difference but we won’t get into that right now.) Part two
of that verse says, “…he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to
hear as the learned.” Or as the NIV reads, “…He wakens me morning by
morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.” And herein lays
my problem.
I love to sleep and
rest and relax. I could truly spend an entire week or longer doing absolutely
nothing. Everyone except my immediate family probably finds that really
difficult to believe but it’s true. Even worse, I’m not ashamed. I could go
days on end doing no more than playing Solitaire Arena on Facebook. Of course,
I’d mix in a few rounds of Candy Crush Saga because they actually make you wait
15 minutes between games of Solitaire Arena (unless you want to pay for magic
wands – not). I flip channels on the television and nap and am completely
content. Well, almost content. Because the entire time I’m busy doing nothing,
the Holy Spirit is gently but oh so firmly calling; wakening me morning by
morning like one being instructed. He won’t leave me alone and I’m so grateful.
I don’t fully
understand this season I’m going through but I know in time God will reveal it
and will use it for my good and His glory. I posted once before that I was
stuck on stupid but I thought I’d gotten off that merry-go-round. Apparently, I
got back on because I’m going around and around and around yet again. Pray with
me won’t you as I open my ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. I no longer
want to be content doing nothing or running in useless circles on my
stupid-wheel. I want to be about my Father’s business. I realize that the days
are getting short and I, like my Father, wish that none would perish but that
all would come to repentance. Let no one be lost because I was not doing what I
was supposed to be doing. In fact, as you pray for me, look at yourself and be
sure you too are doing what our Father has called you to do.
Pray with me now: Father God in Heaven, holy is your name. We
come to you today, Father God, first of all to say thank you for not allowing
us to die in our sins; for giving us another day to get right with you. I thank
you, Father, for the assurance that Jesus died for me and that my place in
Heaven with you is secure. But I also thank you that just going to Heaven is no
longer my goal. I want to take as many souls with me as I can. Stir up the
gifts in me and in those who now pray with me so that we may be about your
business. That we may go about doing good; letting our good works shine that
people may see and glorify you. Even as our souls are satisfied, let us not be so
content that we sit down on the calls on our lives. We are chosen in Christ. May
we make every effort to make our calling and election sure. In Christ Jesus's Name we
pray. Amen.
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