
Showing posts from 2014

I Have a Confession

I Have a Confession                                                        September 19, 2014 I have a confession to make – I have judged others. More specifically, I have judged the Israelites who were delivered out of bondage in Egypt only to “create” a god to go before them a few days later. I mean, really?  I always felt that if God parted a sea and allowed me to not only cross but to cross on dry land and then destroy my enemies before my very eyes, I’d serve Him wholeheartedly forever. I’ve also said that if I saw the presence of God directing me in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, I’d follow Him anywhere – even when I couldn’t see Him. But those Israelites didn’t do that. Before the sun was fully set on one miracle it...

Lessons From A Lop-Sided Heart

 Lessons From A Lop-Sided Heart                                                              September 18, 2014 Have you gazed up into the sky and discovered a cloud that looks like something other than a cloud? You know the kind I’m talking about – the ones shaped like puppies or hearts or angels. Or maybe you’re not a sky gazer but you’ve seen pictures of such clouds on social media. Perhaps you’ve also seen pictures on social media of food items that bear the likeness of someone or something else. Anytime I’ve viewed these thing on social media I’ve thought, “Oh how cute.” But then I dismiss them. Why do I bring up these questions you ask? Well today I saw something in the bottom of my coffee cup that made me stop and pause.  (Why didn’t I think to take a picture of it before refilling my cup – rats!)  In ...

What's It All For?

  What’s It All For?                                                                                        September 11, 2014 This morning after some personal and private time in the presence of my God, I turned on Joel Osteen for an uplifting word and further encouragement. I was not disappointed. His sermon topic was, “Today is Your Day.” He encouraged me to have faith for today which I found interesting. I had never really thought about when my faith was for; I just wanted to make sure it was active. But he encouraged listeners to stop expecting God to do something “one day” or in the “great by-and-by” – expect God to bless you today; to deliver you today; to heal you today. I can do that. A little later I turned on Bisho...

How Has The Lord Commanded You?

 How Has the Lord Commanded You?                                                         September 9, 2014 It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit will bring things to your remembrance concerning the Word of God.  Today I’ve been reading in 1 Kings. When I came to chapter 13, I was reminded of something my pastor told me:  “If the things a man or woman of God says to you is not confirmation of what the Holy Spirit has already spoken to your spirit, don’t receive their prophecy.” It was a hard word to receive in the beginning because I’ve had some men and women of God tell me some really great things – things that line up with the Word though not with what had been spoken directly to my spirit.  But because I know my pastor is a true man of God and only leads as the Lord directs, I took this hard w...

I've Got A Right To Praise (part 2)

I’ve Got a Right To Praise Part 2                                                                  September 7, 2014 Just a couple of days ago, I wrote “I’ve Got a Right To Praise” ( .). In this writing I confessed that there are days when I get up to pray and read God’s word and I’m not all there. In these times prayer feels more of a chore than the privilege it really is. That confession was true and as I wrote it, it felt good to get it out there instead of keeping it as my little secret. It felt good because it was cleansing – and I’m certain I’m not the only one who has felt this way. Well, I have another confession. When my “Coffee with Christ” alarm sounded this morning, I didn’t want to leave the comfort of my bed, but Christ is more important to me than a few more min...

Free Indeed

Last week in church the question was asked, “Do you have to see it to believe it?” Of course in my mind I answered the question with a definitive NO. But is that true? Do I really have the faith I claim I have? Do I truly believe God will do all He’s promised to do – even as my circumstances scream it’s not possible? And if so, if I really believe it without seeing it, why am I stuck in this place of mediocrity? I keep saying to myself (and to my auntie who is a constant source of encouragement) that I need to do more. I need to pray more and study more. I need to be a better Christian. But that’s not what God said. Yes, He has told me to be holy even as He is holy. He’s told me to be courageous for He is sending me and will be with me. He’s told me to seek His face and to walk upright before Him. And I do – most of the time. I could do better. Truth be told we could all do better. But that’s not why I’m stuck and not seeing the manifestation of the promises of God in my life. ...

Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray Today I feel led to not write a devotional, but to pray for you and for myself. Times are getting hard for so many and God wants us to know that if we trust in Him, if we keep our eyes on Him, if we forget about ourselves and keep our minds stayed on Him, He will make a way. Not only will He make a way, He’ll make a great way. God can take nothing and create a universe. He can take dirt and make a man. He can take you and me, and make us all that we dream of being and more. I believe this. Do you? If so, please join me now in prayer, and then pass it on to someone who you know will be blessed by it. No strings attached please. Just let them know you were praying for them. Father God in Heaven, I call upon your holy name with a humbleness that is not quite natural for me. But I know that I can come before an awesome and holy God no other way. I beg of you, Father, search me and all who pray with me now. Show us ourselves, Father, in the light of your holiness. L...

Ramblings of a Searcher

"Ramblings of a Searcher" was first written and published  December 2013  to my web site,   and I believe it is a fitting introduction to my attempts at blogging. It tells you a little of who I am and what I feel God is leading me to do. Yes, I am God's Girl and I pray everything I write will in some way draw you to be His too .   It’s been such a long time since I’ve sat at my computer and just let the Holy Spirit speak to me and through me. But for days now He’s been calling out to me; reminding me who I am and whose I am; reminding me that I have purpose inside of me; reminding me that He has plans for me, but He will not force me. It’s been a couple of years now that the Lord gave me a scripture to summarize the ministry He’s called me to. It comes from Isaiah 50:4 (KJV) “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary…” The...