Make It Like It Was
The other night, I got into bed much later than my normal time. As a result, I decided I would turn off my 05:00 (5a.m.) alarm and sleep in. Truthfully, I rarely got up with that alarm anymore. That’s the alarm labeled in my phone as “Coffee With Christ.” But He wouldn’t let me shut it off. In fact, He reminded me of the importance of that early morning time He and I spent alone together. He reminded me that for me, this time was vital. Yes, I’m still faithful in reading my Bible and praying and listening to teaching and preaching, and praising all through the day. I’m very committed to the Christian disciplines. But, was I still committed to an intimate relationship with my Savior? As Holy Spirit reminded me of all the benefits of that time alone in the presence of my God, an old love ballad began playing in the back of my mind. It was Regina Bell’s so...