
Showing posts from 2017

I Need Help

          Yesterday I was so excited because I found myself in a place with God from which I could freely commune with Him and therefore with you, my reader.  But today, less than twenty-four hours later, I was feeling cold and disconnected again. How is that possible? I love the Lord. I know His Word. I have a desire to draw others closer to Him. I have a desire to not just love Him but to be passionately in love with Him, and to share that passion. But it’s not always that way.           Love is so much more than a feeling. It’s definitely more than simple lip service. Jesus tells us in John 14:21 (NKJV), “ He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. ” So, my saying I love God and feeling love for God is not real love at all. I’m a praiser, but my shouting and dancing and crying do not truly reflect my love for God. It’s my obedience that says whether I love God.    ...

Beginning Again

I am so excited to be sitting here at my computer with something to say! It’s been a long time, y’all. Too long in fact. But I feel nothing is worse than someone talking simply to hear their voice. If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it! Or in this case, don’t type it. With that said, I am grateful for the few followers I have had on my “Sharing the Journey” experience. Admittedly it hasn’t been much of a journey. I’d start and stop. Then start and stop again. In the end we haven’t gotten far. But you know the scripture that says, “Be still and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10)? Well that’s been me for longer than I care to admit. After writing and publishing “ From The Shepherd’s Heart ” I was excited and ready to do great works for the Lord. When He freed me from my day job to focus completely on Him and the ministry He’d given me I was overjoyed. I was ready to do something great for the kingdom. Imagine my frustration when by way of instruction, Holy Spirit simply sa...

The 3 P's of Pursuing God

I have noticed some changes in my Pursuit of God that I thought I’d share with my fellow sojourners. I would like to know if anyone else has noticed such a change or transition in their own pursuit. When I first came to Christ I was living a pretty wild and free life style. Granted, if comparing myself to the world I wasn’t too bad. But we’re to compare ourselves to Christ which put me in the “wretched” category. My acceptance of Him as personal Savior was therefore more a pursuit of Protection or, as some would say, fire insurance than anything else. Simply put, I didn’t want to go to hell. I was living in south Georgia at that time and I knew I simply did not want to go to anyplace hotter than that! Over time, in and out of church, I began to take my relationship with Christ more seriously. I was ready to now allow Him to be Lord as well as Savior of my life.  I began to be more frequent in church and more involved in ministry. I was looking to make some things happen in...

Not Condemned

Each morning I get an email from the ministry of Pastor Joseph Prince that includes a scripture to meditate on and a devotional reading. This morning’s scripture was from Romans 8:1 (NASB), “ There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” It’s a scripture I’d read many times. I’d even memorized it (though admittedly I hadn’t learned the address.) But this morning was different. This morning I didn’t just get motivation; I received revelation. The few of you who follow my blog know that my posts are sporadic at best. That’s because I had been under self-imposed condemnation. I felt like my writings weren’t good enough. There was little to no feedback so I began to think they weren’t blessing enough people. I kept wanting to do more for the Kingdom, to be more for God. I wanted to live out my calling and hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” I felt as if I was failing. I knew in my head that thos...

Help My Unbelief

I’ve been sitting here now for nearly an hour with laptop at hand but nothing to say.  There’s much on my mind and in my heart but how do I communicate it in such a way that it will be received? Actually, do I really want to communicate it at all is probably a better question. Here are my thoughts... I had a friend to tell me some years ago that I was afraid of success. I thought he was a lunatic but because of who he was and our relationship I never forgot the words. I’ve prayed over them and allowed them some space in the back of my mind all these years, wondering if he was right. I think in some ways he was. In my latest prayer covering this subject I asked God plainly, “What’s my problem? Why can’t I move forward in my calling when I KNOW I can’t possibly go back?” In response, I could almost see Him smile in my spirit – you know, one of those patient smiles a parent has for a child that seems to finally be receiving a truth that’s been spoken to them over and over agai...