
Showing posts from May, 2014

Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray Today I feel led to not write a devotional, but to pray for you and for myself. Times are getting hard for so many and God wants us to know that if we trust in Him, if we keep our eyes on Him, if we forget about ourselves and keep our minds stayed on Him, He will make a way. Not only will He make a way, He’ll make a great way. God can take nothing and create a universe. He can take dirt and make a man. He can take you and me, and make us all that we dream of being and more. I believe this. Do you? If so, please join me now in prayer, and then pass it on to someone who you know will be blessed by it. No strings attached please. Just let them know you were praying for them. Father God in Heaven, I call upon your holy name with a humbleness that is not quite natural for me. But I know that I can come before an awesome and holy God no other way. I beg of you, Father, search me and all who pray with me now. Show us ourselves, Father, in the light of your holiness. L...

Ramblings of a Searcher

"Ramblings of a Searcher" was first written and published  December 2013  to my web site,   and I believe it is a fitting introduction to my attempts at blogging. It tells you a little of who I am and what I feel God is leading me to do. Yes, I am God's Girl and I pray everything I write will in some way draw you to be His too .   It’s been such a long time since I’ve sat at my computer and just let the Holy Spirit speak to me and through me. But for days now He’s been calling out to me; reminding me who I am and whose I am; reminding me that I have purpose inside of me; reminding me that He has plans for me, but He will not force me. It’s been a couple of years now that the Lord gave me a scripture to summarize the ministry He’s called me to. It comes from Isaiah 50:4 (KJV) “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary…” The...