Prayer Through Poetry
Victory! Bound for so long that I couldn’t see all that the enemy had done through me. He established a pattern Of guilt and shame - made me afraid to call on that Name. But King Jesus was standing by, heard the tears I shed - heard my silent cry. He sent His Word and rescued me, dropped me to my knees to pray then stood me up on my feet. Victory! It is mine to claim, and I claim it boldly in JESUS Name! Free Indeed Whom the Son sets free is free indeed but there’s still a work required of me. Let the mind of Christ now become mine, no more walking in “feelings” no more wasting time. Rise up! Seek the King’s face; Pray in the Spirit; Live by His grace. For it is not BY works that I have been saved, but it is FOR good works in Jesus’ Name. Victory is mine! I’ve been set free Now I shall walk by the Spirit and be...