
Showing posts from March, 2020

Psalm 91

Yesterday I was listening to Terri Savelle Foy and I really liked her idea to personalize Psalm 91 as a family prayer of protection during this unprecedented time in history. As I share it with all of you, I must stress that this Psalm is not a “charm” or incantation for protection from some God up there in the sky. It is a prayer and a declaration of trust in a personal God and holy Father. I can pray this prayer and declare it over my family because I know the God of whom I speak, and He knows me. We have a personal and intimate relationship. He chose me and adopted me into His family and clothed me with righteousness so that I can walk with Him and talk with Him and cast all of my cares on Him. I go to Him when I’m happy and I go to Him when I’m sad. When I have a need I call Him and He answers me – not always the way I want or expected, but He answers.   When I’m happy I praise Him. When I’m not so happy I still praise Him because He is worthy regardless of my situation. He ...

Dear Future Me

Some years ago the group MercyMe released a song called “ Dear Younger Me .” It is pretty much what it sounds like, a personal letter to a younger version of the writer. The song came back to my remembrance this morning because during a Bible study, “I Do Hard Things,” I was tasked with writing a letter to the future me. Author, Havilah Cunnington, said we should imagine writing to the person we hope to be five years from now – what would I say or hope to be? What goals would I want to have achieved and what actions would I have to take now to be that person I’m writing to?   Here is my response to this challenge. May it challenge you to examine yourself and maybe write the future you. Dear Future Me, I’m writing to you from the year 2020 with a heart of hope and expectation. I’m writing from a place of faith in the true and living God – my savior and my Lord. I’m writing because I’m making a decision that when you read this letter in 2025, you will know that I made some ha...