
Showing posts from January, 2020

Yo, That's My Wife!

Several years ago, when I was still in the early stages of married life (and before my marriage to Christ), my husband and I were at the Noncommissioned Officers’ (NCO) club for happy hour.  We were both active duty Air Force members very fluent in trash talk, but all in fun.  And though a female, I could hold my own with the best of them. So, when I was at the bar waiting for my turn to order a round of drinks, I thought nothing of it when a guy tried to bully his way in front of me. As a regular to the club, I knew he was new and maybe didn’t realize there was a line. Anyway, I said something flippant and he responded. To this day I don’t know what he said but it didn’t go well with others that heard it. As I said, I could hold my own in a verbal altercation. It came with a lot of practice. So, when my husband rushes up to the bar (I never even saw him move from our table) and gets in this guy’s face and proclaim, “Yo, that’s my wife!” I knew what he said was worse ...