Take Heart!
Dealing with disappointment is not easy and definitely not fun, but we have to deal with them because they are as much a part of life as breathing. Jesus tells us very plainly in John 16:33 (NIV) “In this world you will have trouble…” Are disappointments not a form of trouble? But if we continue reading that same verse we’ll see that Jesus goes on to say, “take heart!” Now how are we supposed to take heart when we have trouble? Again, in John 16:33 Jesus tells us, “I have overcome the world.” Please note, when Jesus spoke these words He was not speaking to everyone. The conversation recorded in John 16 actually begins in John 13 during the “last supper.” Jesus begins by washing His disciples’ feet and explaining to them the things that are about to take place – His arrest, “trial” and crucifixion. It is during this discourse that Judas Iscariot leaves to betray Jesus. When we come to chapter 16, they have finished the meal and have left the room. (See the end of John 14:31)...